Keri Tuck, Optician
“I’ve Known What I Wanted To Do Since The 9th Grade.”

When Keri Tuck, L.D.O., learned from her grandfather that Roane State was putting in an optician program, she immediately knew she had a deep interest in the field. Becoming a Licensed Optician became her goal. And caring for patients became her passion. Today, she is proud to fit patients of all ages with the best in eyewear at EyeCare Optical in Fountain City.
There are quite a few specialists in the optical field in Tennessee and the region that owe a lot of their successes to Keri’s training. In fact, she spent many years training and mentoring Licensed Opticians for optical locations here and in South Carolina and Ohio. But, she always wanted to get back to East Tennessee.
When EyeCare Optical opened the Fountain City location on Broadway, she knew she’d found a home. “I’ve always loved the profession. I love to work with people and get their best possible vision as well as their best possible look in their new glasses,” says Ms. Tuck. “At EyeCare Optical, I was very impressed with the variety of designer frames and the extensive lens training we as licensed opticians undergo here. So, I can now help all walks of life with a variety of styles and options. And the lens technology is just incredible.”
EyeCare Optical is committed to offering the Fountain City area the best in optical and for an optician, she believes she can help patients get exactly what they need. “I can now fit every patient with the best in frames and lenses,” she says. “Patients love us here and it’s a great experience.”